Visit to Buddhapadipa Temple 14 Calonne Rd, London SW19 5HJ Thursday 8th August 2024 14:00-16:00

By kind invitation of the Abbot, Chao Khun Laow, the Society will visit Wat Buddhapadipa in Wimbledon on 8th August from 14:00-16:00 with the following programme

1400: Arrival at Buddhapadipa Temple where refreshments will be available;

1415: Presentation by the Abbott on the history of the Temple and details of other UK Thai Temples followed by a Q & A Session;

1445 -1530 hours: Tour of the Temple and grounds including the attractive Buddha Garden.
15:30 Tea or Coffee and Cakes
16:00 Visit ends

Cost £20 per person payable to the Anglo-Thai Society. This will cover the costs of the visit and a donation to the Temple.

Please advise of your intention to attend and for payment instructions.